Persecution? Media? Government? Money? Politics? Religions? Biblical Authority? What’s one of the biggest problems and issues facing Christians and Church today? Get Connected - Grace Focused - Grow Together with Randy, Mark, and Kelly Powers discuss what it means to be a Christian and to be followers of Jesus Christ. We discuss various topics on Christianity, church ministry, doctrines, discipleship, evangelism, and much more. RESTART is an online community for Christians of all ages to connect, to reach the churched and the unchurched, young and old, and to help those seeking hope in this world to know Jesus Christ personally. This is also a ministry to connect with pastors and those who serve to grow with each other, and to help each other in ministry to connect with those around us. RESTART is an acronym which stands for: Rethink, Experience, Seek, Truth, Acceptance, Restore, Transformation. Whether young or old we need to rethink what it means to follow Jesus in today's world; to experience Him personally; to seek Him daily; to follow His truth; to receive His acceptance; for Him to restore our lives; to be transformed as followers of Jesus Christ. Let us RESTART growing together in Jesus!
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A Christian Discipleship, Apologetics and Evangelism Ministry
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